Sunday, June 7, 2015

Like to Play a Prank? Try These Plants!

Playing some practical trick which is meant to be funny to other person with no purpose to harm is likely a precise description of what we call a prank.  For those of you who like to play a prank, this post will be a matchless addition to your prank collections. Fake vomit,  phone call pranks, scare pranks, they are indeed stimulating. However this time, why don’t you try a “natural” one?; a prank using the side effects of plants. It literally works and is such fun. Why I say that and why I write this piece of writing are for the reason that we (my buddies and I) once used to bring these unique plants into play, since they still could easily be found growing in my neighborhood at that time.  In some areas, the plants now are not easy to find though.  Anyways, let's just check them out!  

1. Skunkvine (Paederia scandens/Paederia foetida)

Skunkvine, which in China is called Ji Shi Teng, is a medicinal plant that grows wild in an open filed like in bushes and on river banks. It may also grow on fences being planted for medicinal purposes. The leaves have a distinctive smell which is very similar to the smell of (flatulence) gas, so it must be very difficult to tell the difference. One way to make a prank using this plant is the by wrapping its leaves with a little plastic bag then squeeze them using your hands. Put some air into the bag until the air fills up the bag, now fasten and shake it.  Explode the bag close to your friend, then boom! Stinking air is now spreading around. Do this in a small room to maximize the effect, lol

2. Stinging nettle (Laportea stimulant)

Stinging nettle is a rhizomatous plant that can cause itching sensation on the affected skin. This plant grows normally in the middle of a grove of trees because it likes moist places. The whole part of the leaf is covered by very fine hairs which are so small that they are hardly noticeable. Definitely there are a lot of plants, such as some types of grass, young palm fruit, and cashew sap, that may cause itching sensation to our skins. What makes a stinging nettle different from the others, it contains formic acid and certain other substances across the outer surface of its leaves and it acts like it is not leaving any kind of substance/liquid on the affected skin when it makes a contact with the skin. Therefore when touched with the leaves, our skin will instantly feel sudden itch without knowing. Then the skin will be very itchy in a long while. If you use it to your friend, you can bet your friends will not stop scratching for a certain time. However, be very careful when using it as a means of prank, excessive interactions with the plant may cause severe itching and irritation with a long effect. To dampen the itch caused by this plant, pound glutinous rice until it becomes smooth or use dried loose soil then spread it on the itchy areas.

3. Mahogany Seeds (Swietenia mahagoni)

Mahogany, besides well-known for its strong woods, it is also famous for its very bitter seeds.  A single seed tastes dreadfully bitter even just touching  your tongue and the bitter sensation won’t be gone from the tongue in a long time. But do not worry, in spite of the bitter taste, the seeds are not poisonous, conversely they have many medical benefits, one of which is to increase the circulation of blood and to boost immune system so they are commonly used as ingredients to make traditional herbal medicines. Applying mahogany seeds to your friend’s meal, guaranteed, its taste will turn out to be very bitter at once. In some areas, mahogany seeds are often used to make babies stop breast-feeding, by applying mahogany seeds to the mother’s n*pples.

Care to try one of those?  Or perhaps my friends here have some other “natural” pranks to share :)? 

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